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변모하는 파리
Paris is known as one of the most elegant cities in the world. Visitors talk about the magic of Montmartre, the Left Bank, the city’s beautiful, old buildings and tree-lined streets.

에베레스트 등반
A Nepalese official says that it is time to examine the rules on who is permitted to climb Mount Everest, the world’s tallest mountain.

무슨 일을 저지를지 모를 사람
A good word to describe a loose cannon is unpredictable. You never know how an unpredictable person will act in any given situation.

자외선 차단제
Sunscreens were first sold to prevent sunburn and did not have to meet many government regulations. Now they are widely used to block radiation from the sun that can cause skin cancer.

기후변화와 알레르기
Some people claim that each year their allergies seem to get worse and worse. Well, they are likely right.

아이들에게 자전거 가르치기
On a sunny, spring day, a group of children, four to seven-years-old, sit on their bicycles. They wear helmets to protect their heads and gloves to protect their hands.

묘목 옮겨심기
A seedling is a young plant grown from a seed. It can be easy to grow seedlings inside the home. But what happens when they get bigger?

파나마 운하의 가뭄
This year’s El Nino weather pattern brought a drought to Panama. The lack of rain has lowered the level of the country’s Gatun Lake, a major part of the Panama Canal.

건강에 좋은 민들레
There is probably no flower more hated, or misunderstood, than the bright yellow dandelion.

전기 스쿠터
Electric scooters are everywhere in cities across the United States. They are one of the most popular forms of shared transportation.